New supports for Manitobans fleeing gender-based violence

New supports for survivors of gender-based violence are coming to Manitoba. The provincial and federal governments announce a joint investment to create housing options over the next five years. Edward Djan reports

New supports for survivors of gender-based violence are coming to Manitoba.

The provincial and federal governments announced a joint investment to create housing options over the next five years.

Roughly $13.7 million federally and $27.5 million provincially will be invested into a joint program under the Canada Housing Benefit (CHB) to help women, children, and 2SLGBTQ+ people find a safe place to call home.


“Individuals exiting violence may be experiencing financial abuse or face barriers to accessing other types of benefits because of complex financial issues or situations,” said Bernadette Smith, Manitoba’s minister of housing, addictions, and homelessness.

The province notes roughly 2,600 households are expected to get support from the funding.

Supports provided will be based on family size and average regional rental rates and will be provided to eligible applicants on a yearly basis through Manitoba’s non-Employment and Income Rent Assist Program.

Recipients could receive a minimum $350 for a studio or one-bedroom apartment to a maximum of $805 for an apartment with three bedrooms or more.

“It could take months when a lot of bureaucracy and paperwork is needed to be followed, removing this barrier will allow us to move this from months to days,” said Lorie English, the executive director of West Central Women’s Resource Centre.


WATCH: Manitoba government’s housing announcement

Additionally, the funding will not change the existing CHB terms and conditions.

“Housing affordability can still be a barrier for many people experiencing violence from seeking a safe place to live, which is why we are partnering with provinces and territories to enhance the housing benefit,” explained Minister of Northern Affairs Dan Vandal.

“With this additional funding, we are partnering with Manitoba to lend a hand to those who have experienced gender-based violence, including women, children, and 2SLGBTQI+ people, find a safe and affordable place to call home.”

The federal government adds each province and territory “will have the flexibility to use their cost-matching to support ending gender-based violence or other priorities and programs to assist this vulnerable population with direct-to-household affordability assistance.”


CityNews spoke with a domestic abuse survivor who had to leave two relationships in the span of 10 years.

She says it was the supports such as education that she received at the second-stage housing facility that allowed her and her family to thrive.

“I don’t want to raise my child to be abusive or to be abused. Having that education in the second-stage was a really powerful part of changing my life.”

-With files from Edward Djan