We don’t just hang out anymore. It’s a problem.
Posted March 24, 2023 7:09 am.
Last Updated March 24, 2023 7:12 am.
In today’s Big Story podcast, your friends and family live in your phone. Sure, you see them from time to time, but usually for scheduled events, planned well in advance, with an agenda and a timeframe. How often do you just find a friend, and chill?
Sheila Liming, author of Hanging Out: The Radical Power Of Killing Time, joins us on The Big Story to discuss the book, and all that she learned about the importance of human connection while writing it.
“Hanging out is about finding ways to cultivate care, maybe in very small ways or even in the most mundane examples or experiences,” she said, “it can grow from there into a more hypothetical sense and a more wide-ranging sense.”
There’s a particular kind of energy we get from just killing time, or wandering, and we’re losing it. What’s that doing to us?
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