How Winnipeggers are challenging misinformation

Fact or fiction? A Winnipeg man is behind the website MisnDis, to help people fact-check their information. Joanne Roberts has the story.

If you read or see something online, how do you know if it’s true? That question is getting harder and harder to answer. But as Winnipeggers look for ways to separate fact from fiction, one man is hoping his new project to fight misinformation can be a resource for others.

“I just started questioning, you know, what I’m seeing and what I see on social media when I’m scrolling. Is it true?” said Brian Rougeau.

“I’ll do a little bit of research on misinformation, disinformation, and then share what I find on the website so that other people can come check it out and learn from it, hopefully.”

Rougeau created MisnDis — misinformation and disinformation. It’s a passion project for the web designer, who researches popular topics, posts articles from trusted sources and provides a list of helpful websites where people can fact-check information. The public can also submit their own resources to add to the website.

“I’m not gonna stop misinformation and disinformation … I guess I’m hoping this website just gives people some tools, like they can learn something from it,” he explained.

Web designer, Brian Rougeau, says he hopes people can use his site as a resource to help them fact-check. (Photo Credit: Joanne Roberts, CityNews)

Winnipeg physician, Dr. Suzy Pinnick, says she’s seen more people coming to see her who have been misinformed about something medical-related.

“You try to be as respectful as possible. Some can be quite aggressive about it, so you’re trying to make sure you’re not adding gasoline to the fire. But, respectfully discussing things and basically trying to reframe it,” said Pinnick.

She says she sees a need for more websites like MisnDis.

“You need something to counteract all the, I’m just going to (use) slang. All the garbage out there.”

Winnipeg physician, Suzy Pinnick, says she’s seeing more people coming to see her who have been misinformed about something medical-related. (Photo Credit: Joanne Roberts, CityNews)

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