World Unity Convoy plans to gather for reunion from Feb. 17-21

Nearly a year after the Freedom Convoy occupied the streets in front of the Manitoba Legislature Grounds, a group called the World Unity Convoy is expected to arrive in the province Friday.

According to social media posts, the World Unity Convoy plans to gather from Feb. 17 to 21 on a private property named Camp Hope near the town of Dugald – about 10 kilometres east of Winnipeg.

A post on Facebook defines the gathering as “a time to reflect on the hardships all have gone through and still do… (and) honour and celebrate the Freedom Convoy, and all other efforts made by the people to take a stand.”


In a statement, Manitoba RCMP said, “Officers with the Manitoba RCMP’s Division Liaison Team are in regular contact with organizers to ensure a safe environment for the general public, all who may be travelling on highways or roadways in Manitoba during the event, and those attending the event.”

Winnipeg police say they are aware of the event, and are working with RCMP.  They are also preparing if any demonstrations come to the city.

A spokesperson for Justice Minister Kelvin Goertzen says out of an abundance of caution, security measures at the Manitoba Legislative Precinct will be enhanced this weekend, and access to the grounds will be limited.

“It was noisy – I live at the end of Edmonton and you were just constantly aware that it was honking and beeping,” said one Winnipeg resident.

Winnipeg residents who live around the legislature grounds were asked what life was like during the demonstrations on Broadway last year.


“They offend me, every value they have is offensive, they undermine democracy,” said another resident. “I’ve got nothing good to say about them and I was very worried when I heard that they were going to have a reunion here.”

Residents were split on whether they expect to see demonstrators return to the leg grounds.

CityNews reached out to the World Unity Convoy for a comment and did not hear back.