How to stop smoking: Province teams up with pharmacies to help Manitobans kick the habit
Posted April 2, 2022 2:28 pm.
Last Updated April 2, 2022 2:30 pm.
The province has launched an initiative to help Manitobans quit smoking.
The government is teaming up pharmacies to provide smoking cessation tools and supports to 4,500 people who are ready to quit.
Manitobans over the age of 18 are eligible and can access an initial assessment at participating pharmacies.
Follow-up counselling sessions and up to $100 worth of prescribed medications and nicotine replacement therapies will be offered over one year.
Health Minister Audrey Gordon says in addition to the health benefits for participants, the project is estimated to result in more than $1 million in health-care savings.
“Quitting smoking is difficult and most people need to try more than once to be able to quit successfully,” said Gordon. “The goal of ‘Quit Smoking with Your Manitoba Pharmacist’ is to increase the success rate of people who are ready to quit by making it convenient to access the right supports and resources at their local pharmacies.”
Jeff Leger, the president of Shoppers Drug Mart, says pharmacists are properly trained to help Manitobans quit smoking.
“The health risks associated with smoking are among the costliest and the most preventable,” said Leger. “Pharmacists are trained to support patients through their smoking cessation journey by providing counsel and using different approaches and tools based on individual needs.
“We believe this collaborative program and our ability to work with patients, the Manitoba government and Pharmacists Manitoba will help make our province healthier.”