56-year-old tried to forcefully kiss teenage girl in park: police

Posted October 18, 2022 3:15 pm.
A 56-year-old man is facing charges after he allegedly sexually assaulted a teenage girl this summer.
Police say the suspect initially made the acquaintance of two “at-risk teenagers” in August.
The Winnipeg Police Service says the man met one of the girls at a park in the Centennial neighbourhood.
“He subsequently… offered her liquor if she kissed him. When she declined, he took hold of her and tried to kiss her,” WPS said in a release.
Police say she freed herself and fled. She was not injured.
The Manitoba Integrated High Risk Sex Offender Unit (MIHRSOU) assumed the investigation once the suspect was identified.
The 56-year-old was charged with sexual assault, sexual interference, and obtaining sexual services from a person under 18.
He was detained in custody.