Block heater fires spur safety tips

Posted January 13, 2025 4:46 pm.
Be careful when plugging in your block heater.
That’s the message being delivered to the public by Manitoba Hydro and the Winnipeg Fire and Paramedic Service after crews have already responded to four fires related to block heaters and extension cords in the first week of 2025.
“Never plug in your vehicle inside a garage,” said Scott Wilkinson, Winnipeg Fire and Paramedic Service’s Deputy Chief of Fire Rescue Operations and Training in a news release.
“If a fire starts in your garage, it can spread quickly to your home or other nearby structures before you notice it, which can be extremely dangerous and cause a lot of damage.”
Experts with both Manitoba Hydro and the WFPS say members of the public can take steps to avoid a block-heater related blaze while plugging-in their vehicles this winter.
They include checking extension cords for damage, examining the full length of the cord and both ends to ensure they’re free of problems, like fraying insulation or exposed wires.
Experts say if there are any signs of damage, you should not mend the cord, but replace it completely. They also stress damage to cords is not always visible, saying if you drive over a cord or accidentally pull it from an outlet while driving, it should be replaced.
People should only be using outdoor cords as instructed, leaving them uncoiled to prevent overheating and should avoid placing them under rugs or mats following the “one car, per cord, per outlet” rule.