Family of toddler found dead in RM of Grahamdale barn seeking answers & justice
The family of toddler Xavia Skye Lynn Butler are seeking answers and justice after RCMP announced Friday it was investigating the child’s death as a homicide.
Xavia’s remains were found in a barn in the RM of Grahamdale on June 3, 2024. At the time of her death, Xavia would have been around a year old.
“I want justice for her,” said Natalie Anderson, Xavia’s family and former caregiver. “Her story needs to be out there. Her name needs to be known. Charges need to be laid.”

Anderson, cousin to Xavia’s biological mother, said she became Xavia’s primary caregiver from the moment she was born until Xavia was around 11 months old.
“I named her. I had her from day one,” she said.
Anderson said shortly before Xavia’s 1st birthday is around the time the toddler’s biological mother wanted Xavia in her care. Anderson said March 17, 2022 is the day Child and Family Services took Xavia from Anderson and placed her back with Xavia’s biological mom.
Anderson said it was the day that broke her.
“I’m dying inside every day. Having your kid taken from you, it hurts. It really hurts,” she said.
Anderson snapped a few photos with Xavia just before CFS took her away. It was the last time Anderson saw Xavia in person.
“I told her she was coming back and Mommy was going to be home waiting for her,” she said. “She didn’t come home.”
Anderson said she would video chat with Xavia every day shortly after Xavia was taken, but after about a month the phone calls stopped completely and she lost contact.
“When I got to speak with Xavia, it meant the world. With Xavia, her eyes always smiled. She was happy. She knew I was mom,” recalled Anderson.
“I watch her videos every day. I look at her pictures every day.”
Crystal Butler, Anderson’s sister, said the family is looking for answers as to what happened to Xavia and the circumstances around her death.
“There needs to be charges laid because someone is responsible for it,” said Crystal. “It’s really hard to talk about because it’s confusing.”
RCMP say no missing person reports were ever filed for Xavia. Investigators have been able to put together a timeline up until a year before she was found dead. They’re looking for any photos of Xavia taken after March of 2022 so they can further investigate what happened to her.
“We are hoping those photos will have date and time stamps on them to help us build a better timeline of her life. We also ask anyone who physically saw Xavia after March 2022 to reach out to us as well to provide that information,” aid RCMP Major Crime Services investigator, Corporal Jill Lobodzian.
Related: RCMP investigate homicide of infant Xavia Butler
When Anderson received news Xavia was dead, she said she broke down in tears.
“Took a huge chunk of my heart. Broke me. I want my baby,” she said.
Anderson said as RCMP are continuing their investigation, she’s holding onto the happy memories she has of Xavia, remembering how the child was always “full of life.”
“She made my life better. She saved me. Children are gifts — she was gifted to me. She taught me how to be a mom again.”