Child sex offender with history of violence released from jail, will live in Winnipeg

Posted September 25, 2024 11:45 am.
A convicted child sex offender at risk of re-offending was released from Stony Mountain Institution Wednesday and is expected to live in Winnipeg.
The Manitoba Integrated High Risk Sex Offender Unit (MIHRSOU) says Darrell Erwin Ackman, 55, is considered “at risk to re-offend in a sexual manner against female children, particularly adolescents.”
Ackman was sentenced to 10 years and eight months (in addition to four years and four months pre-trial custody credit) for multiple counts of sexual assault, invitation to sexual touching, living on the avails of prostitution, and possession of child pornography – among other offences.
In 2011-12, police say he “targeted vulnerable girls, gained their trust, and victimized them sexually and or exploited them in the sex trade for his financial gain. He also made video recordings of the underage victims.”
Ackman is subject to various conditions for the next 15 years, including not attending a public park or swimming area where anyone under 16 is present; or communication of any form with a child under 16.
For the next four years, Ackman is also prohibited from possessing or using wireless telecommunication devices or computers (unless pre-authorized in writing by parole supervisor); or accessing pornography or sexually explicit material in any form.
He is also subject to a 10-year weapons prohibition order.