Winnipeggers voice opposition to proposed grant program cuts

Thursday morning, hundreds of Winnipeggers made their way to city hall to voice their opposition to councils' controversial plans to slash over 2 million dollars from the city’s community grant program. Kurt Black reports.

Thursday morning, hundreds of Winnipeggers made their way to city hall to voice their opposition to council’s controversial plans to slash over $2 million from the city’s community grant program.

If approved, the program’s funding would shrink from $3.4 million in 2024 to just 1.3 starting in 2025. 

“These type of cuts on top of this are going to make our work almost impossible,” said Stephen Wilson, graffiti art programming.


“For those kids that we serve in the north end, they can feel their voices have been heard and that brings joy to my heart.”

Thankfully though for those in attendance, before the scheduled council meeting could commence, the crowd erupted in cheers as Art City Executive Director Eddie Ayoub announced the mayor had agreed to reconsider the plan.

“We really depend on this funding and we also know that the city is really strapped financially so is there a compromise to be had, I believe there is,” said Ron Brown, the executive director of the Boys & Girls Club of Winnipeg.

One city councillor opposed to the proposed changes was Russ Wyatt. He hopes that Thursday’s demonstration helps council find a better course of action moving forward.

“It’s the little guys that are getting targeted,” said Wyatt. “I hope a sober second thought kicks in at city hall today.”


Mayor Scott Gillingham had said the charges were necessary to control the city’s growing deficit, which was projected earlier this year to be in the range of $40 million. But says his goal is to find a way to ensure the grant funding remains moving forward.

“We want to have a healthy city, we want young people to be healthy,” said Gillingham. “This is going to require some discussion and some work to do that, but that is certainly something I am not just open to but intend to work toward.”

The executive policy committee will meet again July 9th.