‘Step up and do something’ Winnipeg residents want gov. action on Birchwood Terrace

Posted May 21, 2024 6:49 pm.
Last Updated May 21, 2024 8:15 pm.
As residents of Birchwood Terrace try to get action from all levels of government, it appears that the situation has expanded beyond the building, that’s after residents nearby have been told they have to be on standby evacuations for the next two to three weeks.
“I know they’re busy, and there are a lot of issues, but get someone on this. This needs to be resolved. You can’t just leave stuff and hope no one dies — that’s not an appropriate response,” said Des Kappel, resident at Birchwood Terrace.
“They need to step up and do something, this is their city, their province.”
More than 10 days after they were forced to evacuate their suites due to risk of collapse, people still have more questions than answers — peoples’ lives turned upside down and nearby residents on rolling evacuation alert.
“All of our lives are in that place and I respect that the city got us out — to not just leave us in there to die — but we need support.”
Against the backdrop of work at the building, Kappel, who has been advocating for his fellow tenants, says he’s been able to get back on his feet, but says so many have had a hard landing, staying in various hotels with few belongings;
Accused of mismanagement and poor corporate citizenship, Ladco has refused repeated interview requests and the Government of Manitoba could not answer questions due to a media blackout caused by a provincial byelection in Tuxedo.
Residents continue to call for other buildings owned by Ladco Company Ltd. to come under inspection to ensure they too are not, as officials called Birchwood Terrace, a “potential disaster.”
Kappel says either the province or the municipality needs to step up, claiming Ladco is failing to do so.
“Lives are at stake … I never would have thought this would happen in Canada in 2024; the emergency evacuation of a bunch of people because the building’s on the verge of collapse,” said Kappel
The City of Winnipeg said previously it’ll continue to support those affected, a statement noting Tuesday it’s also keeping those put on evacuation standby apprised of the situation.