Kinew ranked as Canada’s most popular Premier: Angus Reid survey

Manitoba's newest Premier Wab Kinew is now ranked the most popular premier in Canada, netting a 57 per cent approval rating, but as Alex Karpa reports, some political experts say this is just a honeymoon phase.

Manitoba’s newest Premier Wab Kinew is now ranked the most popular premier in Canada, netting a 57 per cent approval rating, but some political experts say this is just a honeymoon phase.

Manitoba going from worst to first in the latest Angus Reid premiers’ performance survey, as Kinew, who has been Manitoba’s leader for two months, now sits atop of all premiers across the country.

Kinew receiving 21 per cent support from respondents who strongly approve of his early work, and 35 per cent giving a moderate approval rating – but 16 per cent of respondents strongly disapprove of his work so far.

“Manitobans, generally speaking, are feeling pretty good about this new premier,” said Christopher Adams, a political science professor at the University of Manitoba.

“We just had a speech from the throne in which the government indicated would be correcting many of the problems in the health care sector, so that is one thing people will be happy to hear, but another thing to hear the promise is delivered. We will have to see in the coming six months to a year how people will feel about the new premier.

Adams says there is a sense of optimism and happiness that Kinew and the NDP are in power in Manitoba. Former Premier Heather Stefanson was ranked consistently at the bottom of approval ratings, leading to the loss of power October.

Malcolm Bird, a political science professor at the University of Winnipeg, says Kinew and the NDP have differentiated themselves from the previous government and have set a new tone in office.

“This government should really use this opportunity, these high approval ratings, to their advantage, because they face a lot of significant challenges here, particularly on the fiscal front and on the labour relations front,” said Bird. 

According to the results, Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe placed second with 54 per cent approval rating, while on the other end, Ontario Premier Doug Ford scoring 34 per cent and Francois Legault in Quebec finishing dead last with a rating of 31 per cent.

Jon Roe from the Angus Reid Institute says he is not surprised to see Kinew, a new premier, have a high approval rating. 

“He kind of comes in without the baggage that was kind of attached to his predecessor. Stefanson came in and had a very low approval rating. She was also a member of that government, minister in that government, so people already had an opinion of her and what they thought her government might do. Whereas Kinew comes in with a bit more optimism for this kind of changeover. I think there is a lot of appetite for change in Manitoba as well,” said Roe.

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