A guilty verdict, and a community can begin to heal

In today’s Big Story Podcast, in June 2021, Nathaniel Veltman intentionally ran his truck into the Afzaal family, who were simply out for a walk. All but one member of the family was killed, and Veltman later said he did it because he was looking for Muslims to run over. Last week, Veltman was quickly found guilty of four counts of first-degree murder and one count of attempted murder.

His trial, the first in Canada to officially associate terrorism with white supremacy, offered a glimpse into where he found his hatred, how it twisted him, and how similar attacks might be prevented. His sentencing may also indicate just how the courts will treat terrorism charges in cases like these going forward.

Wendy Gillis is the crime and police reporter for The Toronto Star. “Traditionally, we have not seen white nationalism be designated to the level of terrorism,” said Gillis. “We haven’t seen it applied in a case where it was alleged that it was motivated by white supremacy, far right ideology.”