Small Town Week, Episode 4: A New Brunswick town deals with a horrific stench

Posted July 13, 2023 7:12 am.
Last Updated July 13, 2023 7:17 am.
In today’s Big Story Podcast, in smaller communities, there is often a reliance on a few key employers to maintain economic stability. When businesses are considering a location to set up shop, they are aware that offering a certain number of well-paying jobs can be an effective strategy to gain community support, even if that shop might be a little noisy or disruptive or require some tax breaks.
That’s how it’s worked forever. However, in the case of a town in New Brunswick, a shell-drying company with the promise of jobs and prosperity, has brought with it an overwhelming stench so bad it makes people gag.
Lindsay Jones, reporter at The Globe and Mail, says residents in Richibucto, N.B. near the shell-drying company have been mobilizing for years, but they don’t really feel heard.
“People feel like they do just have to live like this. That’s the unfortunate reality. They feel like no one’s sticking up for them,” says Jones.
So, what happens when the jobs are fewer than hoped for and the plant’s by-product drives people away? What are the consequences for the residents and the company? And is there any way to stop the stink?
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