How 24 Sussex Drive became a rodent-infested unliveable dump

In today’s Big Story podcast, this week’s report about dead rodents and their droppings in the walls at 24 Sussex Drive was gross, but it’s far from the first tale of how awful things are at the home that is meant to be the Prime Minister’s residence. The house has been in a state of disrepair, to put it mildly, for a decade or more, and almost nothing has been done to fix it.

David Moscrop is a writer, political commentator, and the author of Too Dumb For Democracy. He joins us to discuss what the sorry state of 24 Sussex Drive says about the state of our country and its politics.

“Talking about 24 Sussex is talking about the history of a petty, vindictive, small minded nation,” he said, “it really is the country in miniature.”


So how did the PM’s official residence go from a stately mansion to a national embarrassment? And will we ever see the bipartisan agreement necessary to actually fix it?

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