A mental health guide to the holidays

By The Big Story

It’s a cliche to say the holidays can be a tough time for some people, but the truth is that despite the merry music in the supermarket, almost everyone will spend some time this month feeling exhausted, worried, or lonely, and just generally trying to make it through.

Erica Djossa is a registered psychotherapist and the host of the Happy as a Mother podcast. She joins us today with tips to help you navigate your feelings of sadness during a time that can be infuriatingly cheerful.

“There’s so many increased demands and stressors,” she said, “throw in some real perfectionism and high expectations, and we’ve got a real perfect storm.”

So for those who aren’t feeling as jolly as they think they ought to be, or for those with friends or family who may need some extra care, this is the prep session for you.

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