Canada’s hottest economy is not where you might think it is

Posted October 4, 2022 6:40 am.
Last Updated October 4, 2022 7:08 am.
In today’s Big Story podcast, over the past couple of years, and particularly since this February, global events have made some industries more precarious and certain commodities much harder to obtain. For most people on Earth, this is bad news, but for one all-too-often overlooked Canadian province, the upheaval has led to a massive windfall. Things are booming, in Saskatchewan.
Jason Childs is an associate professor of economics at the University of Regina, he joins us on the show to break down the factors behind Saskatchewan’s recent reversal of economic fortune.
“Oil and gas, wheat and potash, all of those things play a big role here, and they do in Russia and Belarus,” he said, “so having those places cut off from the international marketplace really increases demand for what’s going on in Saskatchewan.”
So how dramatic has the growth been in Saskatchewan since last year’s crop was decimated by drought? How should the government use the new revenue to protect the province in the event of future downturns? And is this year just a one off, or a sign of things to come?
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