A search for answers after a Toronto shooting spree

By The Big Story

Three people, including a police officer, were killed. The gunman dies as well. The crimes stretched over three cities, five police agencies and hours of the middle of a day in Southern Ontario. But more than a week after the shooter was killed by police, there still isn’t much to explain why this happened.

What do we know about the victims and the suspect? Why would he begin his attack by ambushing a cop in a coffee shop? What will we learn in the weeks ahead? And, once again, without a proper trial, how much of what police do eventually discover will they share with the public and the media?

Wendy Gillis, crime and police reporter, of the Toronto Star joins The Big Story to discuss what she and a team of reporters learned and gathered in real time as the situation unfolded.

“To sum it up, we know a fair amount about his criminal history, and then we don’t know a whole lot else. We know the he is 40 years-old, as far as we know, he was acting alone. Police don’t know where he was living at the time,” said Gillis.

GUEST: Wendy Gillis, crime and police reporter, Toronto Star (Read a minute-by-minute account of the shootings right here.)

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