Why the ‘end of life talk’ is so important

Right now, Canada’s long-term care facilities are struggling. They are crowded, conditions can be awful, and at least in Ontario, seniors waiting in hospitals for beds may now be moved to facilities far from their families. And yet, LTCs remain the go-to solution in this country when it comes to caring for seniors towards the end of their lives.

André Picard is a health reporter and columnist at The Globe and Mail, and the author of Neglected No More. He joins us to talk about what often gets overlooked in our discussions of end-of-life care, and why it’s imperative that we start speaking honestly and frankly with our loved ones about what we’d like our final days to look like.

“Plan financially, emotionally, practically, and you can have a good life, and a good death,” he said.


So when and how should we have these difficult conversations?

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