Diagnoses and treatments for the ailing Canadian health-care system

Posted July 14, 2022 7:27 am.
In today’s Big Story podcast, from a massive shortage of primary care physicians, to emergency room closures and delayed surgical procedures, the Canadian health-care system seems to be struggling to meet the basic medical needs of this country’s citizens.
This week in Victoria B.C., all 13 provincial and territorial leaders met to take part in a Council of the Federation meeting. They discussed a host of issues, but at the top of their list was health care. Whether their words — or appeals to the federal government — will translate into tangible change, remains to be seen.
Dr. Katharine Smart is a paediatrician and the president of the Canadian Medical Association. Today, she joins The Big Story guest host, Garvia Bailey, to share her impressions of the meeting, discuss the myriad issues facing Canadian patients and health-care practitioners, and outline the steps we need to take now to begin healing a broken system.
“The longer it takes us to start acting, the more Canadians are going to suffer, and in some cases lose their lives, because the healthcare system is not working properly,” she said.
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