What should we expect from the ‘freedom’ protests on Canada Day?
In today’s Big Story podcast, a leaked intelligence document suggests that the vast majority of protesters planning to be at Parliament Hill on Canada Day will be peaceful. Many of the organizers say the same. But the document also warns of extremist elements espousing violent rhetoric, and cautions against ignoring the trend.
From veterans running across the country to protest vaccine mandates for public-sector employees, to former exotic dancers-turned-orators intending to install a cadre of “constitutional sheriffs,” Ottawa may see itself filled with a hodgepodge of loosely-affiliated political interests. How they all might co-mingle with the celebrations, is really anyone’s guess.
Justin Ling is a freelance investigative journalist who covers, among other things, misinformation, conspiracy theories and extremism. He joins The Big Story today to discuss the upcoming Canada Day demonstrations.
“They’re gearing up to try and show the country they’re not done yet, it’s not time to count them out, many of the vaccine mandates may be gone, but their work is not over,” he said.
So who might we see in Ottawa on Canada Day? Are police prepared this time to prevent the situation from escalating? Should members of parliament be meeting with organizers? And … with almost all COVID restrictions gone, what are these protests about now, anyway?
GUEST: Justin Ling, investigative journalist, writing in Vice, newsletter: bugeyedandshameless.com
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