Sandy Hook advocacy group releases chilling video on school shootings

A chilling public service announcement has been released by Sandy Hook Promise, a non-profit group that came together after the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., that killed 20 students and six adults.

The back to school essentials PSA purports to show off the items every student needs, but in reality, it’s a chilling battle cry against school shootings.

The video ends with a young girl, in tears, hiding in a bathroom, texting a goodbye to her mother.


The creators say the emotional starkness of the video is intentional.

Sandy Hook Promise puts out a new PSA at the start of every school year to teach people that school shootings and gun violence can be prevented.

You can watch the entire video below, but be warned, it is upsetting.

Editor’s note: the video below contains graphic content. Viewer discretion is advised.