Cannabis legalization: what you need to know

WINNIPEG (CITYNEWS) – In the months leading up to “weed day” CityNews has aired daily pot feature The Marijuana Files, following along as the country prepares for legal cannabis. Now with October 17th upon us, we’ve compiled a list of the things you absolutely must know about marijuana legalization.

Pot FAQs

Marijuana 101: A newbie’s guide to pot

Pot speak 101: cannabis terminology explained


Does pot affect sexual performance and fertility?

Can you get a ‘contact high’ from second-hand pot smoke?

Examining effects of second-hand pot smoke

What’s the difference between the 2 types of marijuana plants?

Pot advocate aims to dispel marijuana myths


Why are the cannabis regulations so different from province to province?

Does cannabis help or hinder your sleep?

What are the mental health risks of marijuana use?

Mixing cannabis and alcohol

How easy is it to grow cannabis at home?


Rules about consumption

Province announces fines for pot penalties

Renters, landlords & attitudes about smoking pots indoors

Manitoba medical marijuana users get a break

Legal age to smoke pot in Manitoba to be 19; home-growing will be banned


Edibles: The Wild West of pot


Smoking vs edibles

Edible pot products to be popular

Cooking with cannabis

Cannabis beer: a buzz without the hangover?

Cannabis inspired food truck


Weed and work

No policy on recreational pot for Winnipeg cops

Canadian military releases marijuana rules for members

Air Canada introduces cannabis policy

WestJet bans staff in ‘safety-sensitive’ jobs from off-duty cannabis use

Employees must adhere to policy: lawyer on employee pot ban


Manitoba civil servant policy says booze OK, marijuana not, at office parties

Enforcement and amnesty

Enforcement of marijuana usage in Winnipeg

Roadside pot test: will it work?

Getting behind the wheel after smoking pot? Wait it out

Driving impairment 5 hours after using pot: study


NDP asks government to erase past records for personal pot possession

Kids, pets, and travel

Pot for teens: is medical marijuana right for minors?

How does pot impact the teenage brain?

Pot use for pets: pros and problems

Rules around travel to U.S. for Canadians working in cannabis industry clarified


Rules around traveling with weed post-legalization

Storing cannabis safely at home

Buying marijuana

Shoppers Medical Pot Producer License Approved

Second Cup may convert Ontario shops to pot dispensaries

Legal vs. Illegal

Pot prices: legal vs. illegal


How will marijuana legalization affect the black market?